Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Things you own.... ends up owning you !!!

This is a post i am writing after getting fed up with the furnitures, household items and every other stuffs which i started searching a month ago and still couldnt arrive to the point where i supposed to be by today..
Nothing has been done.. Marketing magics. There is a fact that we see 10,000 adverts per year whereas a normal person saw only 100 advertisement some 10 years ago. These people do nothing better than confusing us in choosing the product we need.
Today, people dont know the difference between NEED and WANT, when it comes to shopping. They just dont think for a moment that they need it or not, but rather they think they want it.

I think, i think better when i think in my travel ;)
which includes my train, bus trips. When i start writing this blog... i lost my way and this is not what i wanted to write.

Well, i did give some words abt shopping. Have fun by the way i think what i was thinking of writing.


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